Annotated Text and Audio link to March 1st 1945 Yalta Speech

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Upcoming Events

1) Release of the paperback of our book in January 2011

2) January 5, 2011. Medical Grand Rounds at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ
"A Cancer on the Presidency, The Medical History of Franklin Delano Roosevelt"

3) Publication (approved but exact date pending) of my paper entitled "The Epilepsy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt" in the prestigious journal Neurology.

4) April 9, 2011. My co-author and I will share the podium at the Lahey Clinic in Boston with Dr. Harry Goldsmith for a comprehensive discussion of the health of FDR.

Changing long-standing historical misperceptions is an agonizingly slow process, especially since they go direct against the very powerful desire of the most important historical figure of the twentieth century!

1 comment:

  1. Steven - thought i would post here instead of email, as i just had a very, very interesting conversation with of all people my wife's fellowship preceptor who still works at Harvard, and spent the evening with us at dinner discussing FDR. He's a fan of FDR's mystery disease saga, has spent time at the FDR library, and has spoken to 'A.G.' about this as well. We're hoping he follows up on his promise to divulge more pearls, and i think this lecture in Boston in April '11 would be priceless for him to attend. See you there!
