Annotated Text and Audio link to March 1st 1945 Yalta Speech

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Reviews of Our Book

Aside from what appears to be a viscious and intentional effort to reduce our book sales on (you see we are conspriracy theorists after all!), the overwhelming majority of reviews have been favorable. We have yet to hear from a single expert specialty physician who has controverted our scenario in any significant way.

“An engrossing medical biography. … Given what we know now about cancerous lesions and the dangers of malignant melanomas, the authors make a plausible case. ... Their work is buttressed by an array of private notes and diary entries from those who dealt with Roosevelt in the White House and were alarmed by what they saw but did not publicize.”—David Shribman, Wall Street Journal

“The authors present their material in an engaging, though not sensationalistic manner. As a result, 'FDR’s Deadly Secret’ will find a wide following among those interested in one of American history’s most compelling medical mysteries." -- Claude R. Marx, Boston Globe

“The most provocative evidence the authors present is that Roosevelt had a left-sided hemianopia — a loss in vision — toward the end of his life. This indicated a mass in the right side of his brain. Lomazow and Fettmann arrive at this conclusion based on an ingenious bit of research.” – New York Times Week in Review

“[An] astounding argument…If Lomazow and Fettmann are right, Republican Thomas E. Dewey or a different Democrat should have been elected president in 1944. In that case, Harry S. Truman, FDR's vice president, would almost certainly not have been commander-in-chief from 1945 to 1952. The Cold War and subsequent American history might have taken a very different path. Lomazow and Fettmann's research is of great importance.” – Dr. Barron H. Lerner, Slate

“An increasingly feeble and distracted FDR died in office and was succeeded by Harry Truman, who performed well as the 33rd president. But this chilling new book by Eric Fettmann and Steven Lomazow reveals that America had a narrow escape. … The point of this well-researched book is not to score points off a deceased president, but to assert the vital importance of honesty in discussions of presidential health.” — Geoffrey Wawro, University of North Texas, History Book Club and Book of the Month Club

“This is a superior addition to the diseases-of-famous-men genre. … Journalist Fettmann and neurologist Lomazow assert that they’ve discovered the true cause of FDR’s 1945 death … We will never know the truth, but the authors make a reasonable case.” – Publishers Weekly
“Effective and thought-provoking ... easy to entertain the authors’ charges of a medical cover-up ... intriguing.” -- Kirkus Reviews

“Readable and interesting and should appeal to both specialists and the general public. Recommended.” – Library Journal

"Fascinating and grisly ... graphic and telling ... If Roosevelt was suffering from even a fraction of the diseases Lomazow and Fettmann say he was, the disclosure ... at the very least casts Roosevelt's presidency in a new light." -- Ira Stoll, Commentary

"A persuasive case ... The documentation the authors cite is thorough enough to be compelling. ... [A] meticulously pieced-together case study." — Elizabeth Lopatto, Bloomberg News
"Well-told ... The authors make a good case for their thesis ... Lomazow and Fettmann have gone as deeply into the medical evidence as is possible, and produced a convincing sidelight to history." — Palm Beach Post

"‘FDR's Deadly Secret’ documents a pattern of deceit about the president's health." -- Glenn C. Altschuler, Tulsa World

“Historians and lovers of history might smother their valentines with kisses if they receive Steven Lomazow and Eric Fettmann’s ‘FDR’s Deadly Secret’ today. … ‘FDR’s Deadly Secret’ will likely be fodder for those who believe FDR was impaired when he went to Yalta to meet with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin near the end of World War II.” — Howard Dukes, South Bend (IN) Tribune

“A lively and readable account of a fascinating subject and, taken for what it is—a strong possibility rather than a slam dunk—its argument is a valuable contribution to presidential history.” — Martin Rubin, Washington Times

“Lomazow and Fettmann are right that this ancient history matters. It raises anew the moral argument over whether a political leader has any right to medical privacy.” — Brian Bethune, Macleans

"An extraordinary medical detective story that will force some re-evaluation of the nation’s longest-serving president. ... the first-hand testimony of so many involved, and the brilliant medical detective work of the authors, makes their scenario accurate, in my opinion, beyond a reasonable doubt."—Barry Casselman,

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